Friday, June 8, 2018


It's been a difficult day. A day of surprises, disappointment, frustration, and isolation.
And in the middle of all this, we learn that the brilliant Anthony Bourdain, suffering from the isolation of depression, took his own life.
Suffering from depression myself, I am familiar with that kind of isolation. Fortunately, I am surrounded by a strong support system consisting of friends, family, and loves, so I've always been able to pull myself back from the edge.

Maybe this one time, Mr. Bourdain was not able to claw his way back from the isolation that comes with depression. When you feel that cut off from the world, it is difficult to see clearly or even remember what the light looks like. Isolation is the killer. Being turned away, left out, cut off from those you depended upon.

I know we are all afraid and frustrated, seeking comfort, retreating to the safety of our tribes. But it is this kind of divisiveness that has led people to being so isolated that they voted out of fear, voted for a world that included them in a way that has recently left them feel excluded.

What we need now is more unity, more community, and more attempts to find the common ground that brings us together. If you can, please don't unfriend or cut people off to isolate yourself or them. If you fear for your safety, get yourself to a safe place at all costs, top priority. But if you have the spoons available, find new ways to invest in those who walk a foreign, even offensive path. It is through investment and understanding that we can fight those who seek to keep isolated, alone, and frightened.

Let's pull together to keep us all away from the edge. If that is the only thing we have in common, let it be enough.

1 comment:

  1. It takes a village. Even the Facebook "village" can help to some degree, but there's nothing better than having a few real-life friends to hang out with when needed.
